5 possible side effects of a remedial massage
A chiropractic remedial massage is different from the type of massage you might get in a spa--it is designed to release tension in the tendons and ligaments as well as the muscles, and can be helpful in treating conditions such as whiplash and repetitive strain injury, as well as promoting wellbeing. It is both safe and effective, but there are a few side effects that you may experience.
1. Pain
You may experience pain in your muscles during the massage. This is probably nothing to worry about--it is likely to be the effect of your muscles being manipulated in a way they are not used to. The pain will probably go down as the massage progresses, but you should tell your therapist about any pain you are experiencing so they can take it into account during the treatment.
2. Aching muscles
After a remedial massage, your muscles may ache as if you have been vigorously exercising after a long break. As far as the muscles are concerned, that is exactly what has happened--they have been manipulated in a way they are not used to. Any soreness or aching should subside in a few days.
3. Drowsiness
Some patients report feeling fatigued or sleepy after a remedial massage. This may be in part because of the relaxing effects of a massage; the release of physical stress and relaxation of the muscles can lead to a more restful feeling. Again, this should be a short-lived side effect.
4. Feeling sick
You may experience an upset stomach after a remedial massage. This is because the manipulation of the muscles leads to a release of toxins in the body, which can cause feelings of nausea. Treat it by resting and drinking fresh water, and the symptoms should pass quickly.
5. Headache
Headaches are also reported by many patients after a massage. This may again be due to the release of toxins in the body, or it may simply be due to lying awkwardly during the massage itself. As with the other symptoms, it should be short-lived and is best treated through resting and trying to keep good posture.
The main side effect of a remedial message is an improvement in wellbeing, and most of these symptoms are signs that the treatment has worked. If they persist, however, or if you are worried in any way, just contact your therapist to discuss your symptoms.