Key Benefits of Naturopathic Doctors in Chiropractic Treatments

Key Benefits of Naturopathic Doctors in Chiropractic Treatments

22 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Today, patients know more about chiropractic care than they did a couple of decades ago. It can be attributed to the fact that there is much more credible information available to patients from different sources. Notably, providing the best care is the only surefire way for chiropractors to grow a private practice. Teaming up with other professionals in the healthcare sector is one of the strategies chiropractors are using to improve service delivery. Naturopathic doctors are particularly in high demand by chiropractors. Here are a few lesser-known benefits of seeking chiropractic care from a service provider who partners with a naturopath.

Severe Pain Management

One of the main reasons patients seek chiropractic care is pain relief. Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve chronic pain, but it occurs over a few sessions. Unfortunately, some patients present with severe pain that affects their daily activities. Since a chiropractor cannot prescribe medication, patients turn to over-the-counter pain medication to manage their condition. Sadly, most patients can become addicted to painkillers and stop their chiropractic sessions altogether. If you suffer from severe musculoskeletal pain, you are better off seeing a chiropractor and a naturopathic doctor. Notably, some naturopathic doctors are licensed to prescribe medication to patients. Thus, they can prescribe natural painkillers and monitor the dosage based on the progress of chiropractic treatment.

Perform Minor Surgeries

When you are involved in a minor car accident or a fall from a great height, it is advisable to see a chiropractor in good time, even if you do not feel any pain. Unfortunately, most people only go to the nearest clinic to have minor cuts sutured before going home. The reason is that minor cuts appear more urgent than an injury that has not yet manifested. Besides, a chiropractor cannot take care of any sustained cuts because they cannot stitch up the body. On the other hand, a chiropractor and a naturopathic doctor can address a patient's musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries since the latter can perform minor surgeries.

Individualised Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce severe migraines. However, there are various causes of migraines that require different treatment approaches. For instance, you cannot treat migraines caused by stressful situations the same way you would migraines caused by medication, sleep changes or food. It matters not how many chiropractic sessions you go to if you do not address the root cause of the problem. Since chiropractors only deal with the musculoskeletal system, a naturopathic doctor looks at the whole body as a unit of related functions. Thus, naturopaths promote personalised chiropractic treatments by examining a patient's overall lifestyle and discussing the results with a chiropractor.

Keep these tips in mind when looking for chiropractic treatment near you.